Avram Grant Blames Poverty Impacting Global Food Supply

At presently, the world has to feed over approximately eight billion souls which is certainly a massive figure requiring massive food supply. It is felt that the world the currently facing a huge shortage in the food supply which is causing food scarcity around the world. However, according to Avram Grant, a well-recognized philanthropists and an expert in many field, the world’s food supply is sufficient, which cannot be regarded as inadequate. He points out that the real problem is poverty which is strengthening the argument that food resources are scarce. 

Poverty – The Root Cause Impacting Food Supply

A huge majority of the world is living even below the poverty line, consequently, they are malnourished. So the issue of feeding hungry cannot be co-related with the production of food resources or increasing food supply. According to experts, the issue of lack of food resources i.e. food scarcity is likely to be seen by 2050. At that time the world’s current population will grow from 8 to approximately 10 billion which will significantly intensify the food supply. 

During that time, it is also expected that standard of living will be uplifted particularly in the developing nations. As a result, people in these countries will become rich and would then utilize more food resources because they would like to consume quality and relatively expensive food such as meat etc.

Avram Grant supports his argument with the fact that in a span of 25 years, poverty ration has dropped from 46% to 27 in the developing countries. He then suggests that amongst the poor class of people worldwide 12 to 15% of them are those who are extremely poor, hence malnourished. So basically, there are almost 1.2 billion people who need to be fed against eight billion people. 

Present Food Resources Sufficient For Feeding Global Populous

As per the scientifically proven research of experts at the UN, a person requires 2800 calories per day for being properly nourished. The expert believes that global attention should be drawn towards admitting the fact that hunger is a genuine problem. Thereafter, it needs to be ascertained whether there is a shortage of food resources globally.

If we are admitting hunger as the problem, then we will surely have to significantly increase food resources. Increasing food resources considerably would then subsequently require us to substantially decrease food insecurity. According to UN ‘food insecurity’ is a chronic ability which directly impacts upon a person’s capability of procuring sufficient food resources and thus improper nourishment.

Challenges Ahead

No matter what we do, however, the global population will continue to grow. With this population growth there will be growth in the income as well, which will then result in significant demand in food supply. Generally principal is that if there is no increase in the ‘output’ then the prices of food resources will automatically increase. 

This brings us to the worldwide phenomenon which is that prices of food resources as well as the resources themselves, have glaring effects on the global countries individually. However, since the food supply is being produced globally therefore a country on an individual level can combat food scarcity by indulging in global trades. On the other hand, excessive trading can be managed by introducing the concept of ‘sustainable trading’. In order for encouraging sustainable trading, the countries would need to curtail excessive trading by impeding the same with the help of policies and levying of additional taxes, charges and fee in the transportation. 

The expert also believes that ease of convenience in the transportation is the fear factor against sustainable trading. For the purposes of sustainable growth, food supply controllers should make necessary arrangements on emergency basis. In this connection, it is important that specific areas should be earmarked where food will be produced, where the same will be consumed and lastly, in retail markets, transportation costs be added into the actual price of food.

Environment Impact

Climate is yet another challenge which can drastically change the future supply of food like natural calamities e.g. floods, pest attack, droughts, diseases in livestock, fire etc. In order to counteract with these calamities, the world has to invest globally in the field of technology, which may also involve developing of hybrid food plants capable of handling certain level of changes in the climate. 

Similarly, mankind will need to put more focus towards research area so as to keep on finding solutions to deal with future scarcity of food crisis and how to meet the demand. 

End Thoughts

In the end, Avram Grant, advises that while currently there is no shortage of food, however, the world’s attention is needed to control poverty and feed the poor. As regards the future, the world has to put in great efforts in safeguarding environment because food supply can only be increased at the cost of hurting the environment.