What is cannabis prescribed for in Canada?

Cannabis, also referred to as weed, is one of the oldest plants with several benefits. It possesses healing or medicinal properties as well as euphoric effects. It has several uses that have been passed down from one generation to another. Besides, cannabis is a popular plant worldwide with diverse uses. It is, however, important to know that the use of cannabis is regulated or restricted. Consequently, before heading out to a cannabis store in Canada, it would help to know what cannabis is prescribed for. 

However, the use of cannabis is regulated by the government to prevent its abuse. Regardless of the supposed misuse of cannabis that resulted in its regulation and ban, it is still available in any cannabis store in Canada because it is prescribed for some conditions. 

Government Regulation and The Cannabis Act

It should be mentioned that the type of cannabis you can find in any cannabis store in Canada is medical cannabis or CBD oil. It is usually prescribed for medical reasons to alleviate symptoms and minimize intoxication. Before cannabis can be dispensed in a Canadian cannabis store, a prescription must be issued by a healthcare professional to a pharmacist that cannabis should be dispensed to the patient. 

Medical prescription makes getting cannabis in a cannabis store in Canada possible. This is necessary especially when the THC level is higher than 3 percent due to Government regulation. Cannabis is not recommended for euphoric effects under the Cannabis Act.

The following are some of the conditions or uses that cannabis is prescribed for in Canada: 

  • Severe epilepsy in children and adults
  • Nausea and vomiting cashed by chemotherapy
  • Muscle stiffness and spasms caused by multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Alleviation of neuropathic and chronic pain conditions 
  • Treatment of mild and severe arthritis, back, and neck pains
  • Alleviation of anxiety and depression
  • Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, gastrointestinal, and eating disorders
  • Treatment of neurological diseases e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease, Crohn’s disease, and Parkinson’s Disease 
  • Treatment of spinal cord injuries or diseases and sexual dysfunction
  • Alleviation of muscle spasms, migraines, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis
  • Treatment of sleep disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


Above are the conditions that cannabis may be prescribed in Canada. The sales and use of cannabis are regulated in Canada. As a result, it is important to go to a cannabis store with the doctor’s prescription to be able to buy cannabis for your needs. If you have one of the conditions mentioned, your doctor likely recommends taking cannabis to treat or alleviate your condition.